25 Ekim 2012 Perşembe

The Online Darkroom

Dear Reader,

If you have not arrived here from The Online Darkroom and you've been trying to decipher this blog with Google Translate, you can find translations of a couple of posts here.

In its original Turkish version I conceived this blog as a way of sharing my passion and what little information I have about film based photography and the darkroom, and hopefully encourage a few in my community. Never had I thought that there would be an international interest for my writing. Now that Bruce has asked me, I will try and translate some select posts once a month to be published on The Online Darkroom.

At this point I feel the urge to emphasize that I claim neither mastery nor authority. Most of the technicalities I write about I've learned from books and people far more knowledgeable than myself. I hope that the technical bits in my posts act as a useful starting point for the less experienced darkroom enthusiast. The key to improvement is further patient experimentation and adaptation to individual circumstances.

As a user of both digital and analog means I'm convinced that printing black&white film in a darkroom is still a valid and highly satisfying way of producing prints of superb quality and this should not be allowed to die without a fight :) Coexistence is the key word for me.

4 yorum:

  1. Hi

    Thank you so much for the insight into your printing methods, I first heard of your website from Bruce and have since been visiting and using google translate. It isn't perfect but gets the message across.

    There needs to be more websites like yours, you indeed have a fine eye for photography and printing and I will continue to follow your posts both here and on "The online darkroom"

    many thanks

  2. Many thanks for your kind words Neal!

  3. I admit to sneaking over here with Google translate every now and then! I first saw your links from Taylan B's webpages after visiting Istanbul in the Spring with the RFF group.

    Thank you for your enthusiasm and hard work :)



  4. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment Martin.
